Molly Brocklehurst
Degree Show Marketing Team
For the MFA Degree show we as a year group decided to share out the managing and responsibilities for everything that needed to be done for the show. I was in the marketing team. We began by holding a meeting together to go through all the tasks that needed to be completed and gave ourselves deadlines for each of these tasks to be completed by.
My duties were as follows:
Create an event on ArtRabbit so that our exhibition can be seen as an upcoming event to the public searching for exhibitions around the area.
I was in charge of the MFA Wimbledon Instagram page to post regular updates of the artists working towards their degree show, as well as 'stories' of our set up and installation days.
Copy the posts from our Instagram onto our MFA Wimbledon Facebook page.
Design the MFA Wimbledon Degree Show invitations.
Research galleries/contacts to add to our invite mail out list.
Send out all the invites to our extensive mail out list and personalise the relevant and suggested ones.(This proved tricky due to some technical issues we had with Outlook!).
Send out a reminder for the show to all our mail out list.
We also had regular blog posts on our Facebook page that artists would send us of any reviews or write ups that they might want to share with regards to their practices.