Molly Brocklehurst
Life After University
Becoming a Teaching Assistant
I have put a lot of thought into the best route for me to go down in terms of what job will enable me the time and financial stability to pursue my art. I find it very difficult painting in a stop-start sort of rhythm and therefore ideally I did not want a half a week job because I wanted something that could mean I could get stuck into my art for weeks at a time. I have got a job lined up for September as a teaching assistant for a school in Nottinghill, where I will also be paid to have my own after school art club. I am really excited about this job because it will give me a stable income whilst most importantly enabling me the time to continue with my art. I will have half-terms and holidays which alone gives me 5 months of the year to do my art career. My hours would be 8-4pm which means I also have the evenings and weekends. I will see how this goes after a year before assessing whether I want to train to become an art teacher or whether my art career has developed in ways of making money so that I do not need to work as many days at the school.
Selling Work
I would like to increase the sales I make from my paintings. I am aiming to dedicate more time every week to apply to exhibitions or competitions where I can sell work. I will also be working less big to begin with because smaller paintings will be more likely to sell.
Being a painter that often works at a very large scale, I most definitely need a studio because I need the extra space. Living at home this last year, I have been lucky enough to start saving to build my own studio in my garden. I have been in touch with Premier Sheds in Streatham and they have been round for a site visit to begin the process. They will supply me with the materials and I will be building it myself, hopefully with help from my brothers! After building the structure, I will be insulating and painting it too. It will be my next project after finishing this masters and I am very excited. The initial cost will certainly put a huge dent to the bank account but long -term, when I move to rent in Clapham, It will be a huge benefit not having to pay rent for a studio as well as a house.
I already designate a day per week to apply to competitions, exhibitions and residencies and this will remain as a part of my time-table when I finish my masters. Every Sunday, I browse through artquest and artrabbit to find available suitable things to apply to that could benefit my art career.
I have many ideas in ways to develop my art practice after I leave Wimbledon. Firstly, inspired by Ida Applebroog, I have recently begun making works made from multiple canvases and I have plans to push this further. My last two paintings have an additional narrow side canvas and I'm excited to see what happens if I were to continue these panels horizontally and also vertically to fragment the image further. I have plans to delve deeper into investigating more lost rituals and cultural events. How can I reconstruct these further? How can I make these stranger? Can I push at introducing symbolic objects to create other meanings?
Future Professional Network
Being a part of Uncovered Collective is going to be a huge benefit when we all leave Wimbledon because it will mean we can all easily remain in contact. I have suggested that we all have regular crit meetings to help support and give advice to each of our art practices. Through the platform we can find opportunities and exhibition spaces to keep the momentum going.
Future Exhibitions
Free Range Exhibition 4-7th July
Next 4 months...
Build studio
Degree Show
Apply to art competitions and exhibitions
Finalise studio, paint and insulate it.
Free Range Exhibition
2 x commisions
Waitress some evenings for money
Last free month before job starts next month to paint.
Steamships Exhibition
Apply to art competitions and exhibitions.
Teaching assistant job starts
Move in to new house
Apply to art competitions and exhibitions in evenings.
Evenings, weekends,halfterms,holidays to make art.
Next few year's goals
Get onto one of the British School of Rome's residencies.
Exhibit abroad.
Continue the exhibition momentum and to gradually increase the number each year.
Think about whether I would want to be represented by a gallery of my choice.
Be financially ok!